ICID complies with the RGPD


The investigator under ministerial license can investigate any private problem.

The investigator licensed under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior can investigate various private concerns. From divorce files to morality investigations or in the case of theft or burglary, …
Feel free to contact us to request our services.


Divorce et separation

The law concerning divorce has been modified in 2007, the investigator doesn’t witness adultery anymore for divorce on specific grounds. However, the investigator is still requested to exercise surveillances, shadowing and does also investigate the existence of adultery in order to receive or to avoid maintenance allowance or to indicate the grounds of irreparable differences for divorce.


Liquidation of community

The investigator conducts an all-out investigation to find hidden assets by one of the parties. All of this research is more than useful in divorce cases to provide the lawyer with the necessary material for writing his conclusions.


Alimony - Children -Spouces

In negotiations about doubtful distributions as well as in family discord, the investigator can investigate and discover where the source of wrongdoing comes from. He can also look for heirs or demonstrate false heirs (scammers) who come forward. The investigator specialized in the very specific field of inheritance, uses all his tact and know-how to detect the fault that did not notice either the instructor of the inheritance, the person of confidence or the institution…


Investigation in inheritance cases

The investigator can control the schedule of the parent sentenced to pay the food contribution and ensure that the work he carries out is regulated and that it corresponds to his lifestyle by surveillance and shadowing. If necessary, the investigator is accompanied by a bailiff to ascertain the facts. The investigator through his proper investigations may demonstrate a possible fraudulent insolvency for not paying the amount imposed by the judgment whether for the children or the spouse; by his investigations he can confirm or deny.


Children custody – Joint childcare

The investigator, through his loyalty, can give an objective opinion of the child care. The Family Judge will be able to decide more easily basing himself on the reports and photos returned by the investigator after his mission. In case of serious suspicion, such as negligence or abuse, the authorized investigator may carry out the necessary investigations to reassure or warn the concerned parent so that he can seize the appropriate legal service.


Morality enquiry and before wedding

The licensed private investigator is the most appropriate person to discover the true personality, respectability and honesty of a person before any commitment, such as marriage, cohabitation or other.

Enquête sur une personne

Frauds and scams

For white or gray marriage or other engagement, the licensed and specialized investigator puts his skills at the service of the neglected person, in this case the client, on condition that it is not a trick, which would require the investigator to terminate the contract on the spot. Today we live in a corrupt and a to be corrupted world where only the material aspects are taken into consideration; more than ever, the help of a licensed and experienced private investigator can prove its use in demonstrating corruption and all sorts of scams.


Change of behavior of the adolescent- running away

The licensed investigator is of great help to parents worried by the sudden change in their child’s behavior; he will therefore control the schedule and the entourage of minors as well as their friends who could be dealers, consumers, delinquents, or any group belonging to a cult…. InterContinental International Detect has in its staff investigators who are propitious to infiltrate those groups and to provide parents with the necessary pieces to make the right decisions to help the teenager.

Affiche de recherche

False Testimony – Denunciations - Defamation

The private investigator, by its collection of information can invalidate or confirm the statements.
False testimonials are very common in everyday life, whether by jealousy, malice or others and in all social classes and relationships (neighbors, employees, colleagues, etc.). The private investigator, after having analyzed the case and after having informed the client of the feasibility, the cost and the delay, adapts his investigations to the best of his abilities to bring the case to a successful conclusion.

Bulle de conversation

Robberies and burglaries

The investigator, through his experience and the short time between the theft and his intervention, may discover whether the robbery or burglary was committed by thugs, by a family member or maybe by friends, sometimes out of jealousy or greed.
In recent times, robberies and burglaries are part of everyday concerns of today’s society. The private investigator, with his experience and skills, can confidentially assist any person at any time, even as a prevention by accompanying the person who performs delicate tasks (financial and other) and can help the victims to find lost objects or at least the authors.


Search of missing or indoctrinated people

Disappearances and indoctrinations are one of the major concerns of the twenty-first century. The danger is permanent for easily influenced people of all ages, social classes and origins. The licensed and experienced investigator can investigate in this field, even if it concerns adults, without breaking the law.

Affiche de recherche

Social frauds

The today’s investigator, with his ministerial license can investigate in all areas to detect any kind of social fraud towards the public institutions (National Employment office -ONEM, National office of Social Security-ONSS, Federal Service Public Economy) by unscrupulous people who benefit from a financial aid while performing a lucrative and illegal job on the side, whether in construction, mechanics, Horeca or other …

Affiche de recherche

Insurance fraud

The general investigator, holder of his license, may be useful, in addition to the sectoral (working in the insurance company) investigator, in very specific cases where more meticulous investigation is necessary. In large-scale disasters, the independent status of the general investigator can provide another, more objective vision for both parties.

In addition to its traditional missions of surveillance and fraud research, InterContinental International Detect researches and observes also

Irregular situations
In cases of false identities or false status, irregularities and abuse in migration, false and defamatory tax denunciations, the investigator can help to remedy this offense. For instance, the investigator can check if the conditions presented by the person to obtain an allowance are well founded. He is also of great value to families who are worried about the disappearance of family members.

Do not hesitate to contact us to obtain a quote without any obligation.